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Writer's pictureAmetria Maryland

Preparing for Back-to School (COVID-19 Style)

As if preparing for back-to-school wasn't stressful enough, now it has to be done during a pandemic. COVID-19 has stripped us of what we once viewed as a normal end of school year, summer vacations/ fun and now the beginning of the school year.

If you are like me, a mom with school aged children and working from home, you have not had a break since March, and neither have your children. Nonetheless, the time is near and we must do our children the courtesy of preparing them for the most interesting beginning of school year they will ever experience. So depending on what your individual school plans are, in-person, virtual learning or both, children must be prepped.

So among the normal preparation: school supply and clothes/uniform shopping, summer reading.projects, bedtime routines,etc. We now have to add in, mask wearing, social distance, no-sharing, no-hugging and no touching policy practices. That was stressful just typing that out! However, it must be done. Do not have your child's first time seeing and doing these things, be their first day of school. If you are unsure of what to do to prepare them for the inevitable changes, here are a few things to consider practicing:

  • wearing masks for extended period of time

  • social distancing at home ( 6 feet apart, chairs, lines, carpet sitting, etc)

  • logging into learning sites (if logins are available)

  • navigating zoom, google meets, etc.

Most importantly, have a conversation about the changes they will see at school or online.. Will drop-off and pick-be different? What will lunch time and recess look like? What will my schedule for online look like? Is it self-paced? How will pep rallies, assemblies, field trips, restroom breaks and etc. be conducted? This is just the tip of the iceberg as for the changes they will encounter, so start today!!!

By all means, please reach out to the leadership of your child's school if you have questions. Talking with other parents is great, but communicating with those in charges provides you with accurate and appropriate information.

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